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                      公司秉承“以一〗流动画制作艺术和一流动画技术的完美结合,打造世▃界动画工厂”的宗旨,通□ 过一系列享誉国内外的优秀作品,赢得了国际动Ψ 画服务外包市场的良好声誉。先后为法国、美国、澳大利亚、加拿大、德国、韩国、日本许多国『际知名的动画公司承担了制作。
                      “一切努力都是为了无与伦比的创造”, 迪生动画将一如既往的秉承“传承、创新、追求完美”的精神,为行业提Ψ 供高质量的服务。
                      Beijing Dison Animation Production Co. Ltd.
                      Beijing Dison Animation Production Co. Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dison Digital Entertainment Ltd. It is a professional animation service company actively engaged in the international animation market. It is also one of the First Professional Animation Companies certified and supported by the Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Finance of China. Dison has a large number of experts with more than 20 years of hands-on experience in the area of animation art and animation technologies. Dison is also known as the first Chinese animation service company possesses the professional international collaboration production pipelines. Based on the technological advantages of the headquarter company, Dison provides services to the global market in terms of 2D, 3D, Stop-Motion, VFX, Virtual Reality and Interactive Animation services.
                      Dison is always upholding the purpose of "Creating the world animation factory with combining the first-class production art and the cutting-edge technologies". Through a series of renowned domestic and foreign productions, Dison has achieved a good reputation in international animation outsourcing market, and co-operated with many internationally renowned animation companies in France, the United States, Australia, Canada, Germany, Korea and Japan.
                      Relies on strong artistic and technical resources, and accumulated experience in the international market, Dison is also introducing education and training services to the animation industry and institutions, which received very positive comments by the industry and academia partners. Dison becomes a centre of providing apprenticeship training to the new grad students for many of the animation institutions, such as Chinese Opera Institute, Beijing Film Academy, Jilin Animation Institute, Beijing Industry and Trade Technicians College, etc.
                      "All efforts are aimed at unparalleled creation". Dison animation always advocates the spirit of "inheritance, innovation, perfection", to provide qualified and satisfied services to our partners.