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                      公司通过对传统动画生产工艺的技术革命,实现了动画制作艺术¤和动画技术的完美结合,建设成国内第一个无纸动画流水生产线,大大№提高了制作效率和质量水平。并引进和吸收了↑国际最先进的无纸动画∑ 协同作业平台,成为国际标准化的全球协同生产网络的一♀个重要节点,赢得了国际动画服务外包市场的〗良好声誉,先后与法国、美国、澳大利亚、加拿大、德国、韩国、日本许多国际知名的动画公司合作了多个制作项目。

                      Relies on many years of technology advantages, Dison Production has evolved into a digital entertainment content service provider including animation production, VFX, Virtual Reality, Interactive Sports Experience, etc. from a traditional production company.
                      Through the technological revolution to traditional production process, Dison realized a perfect combination of animation art and animation techniques into the production, and constructed the first paperless production pipeline within the domestic market, which has greatly improved the production efficiency and quality. It becomes a major production hub in the international standardization of global collaborative production network through the adoption of the most advanced paperless production management platform in the world.  This helps us to regain the reputation in the global outsourcing market, and facilitated a number of international cooperation projects with France, the United States, Australia, Canada, Germany, Korea, Japan, etc.
                      Dison is recognized by the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Finance. With the special supporting funds granted by the State, Dison created a quality control centre of paperless production independently under the technical support of the parent company. It set up the collaboration production network within the domestic market in cooperation with CCTV and Shanghai Animation Film Studio. This has integrated and optimized the animation production resources of China market, promoted the Chinese Animation Studios towards the direction of specialization, intensification, and globalization.